Wakelee Avenue Detours This Week

Beginning Monday June 11, 2018, Wakelee Avenue from Division Street to Jackson Street will be closed to through traffic from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily Monday to Friday, while the construction project begins to excavate the road. Residents of Wakelee Avenue and well as workers and patrons of the businesses on Wakelee Avenue will be allowed access. 

The detour for all other traffic will be as follows;

Northbound traffic on Wakelee Avenue will be detoured at Division Street to Grove Street to Howard Avenue to Jackson Street.

Southbound traffic on Wakelee Avenue will be detoured at Jackson Street to Howard Avenue to Grove Street to Division Street.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as the project moves forward and updates will be provided as circumstances allow. Thank you and drive safely.

Lieutenant Patrick Lynch

Patrol Division Commander

Public Information Officer

Ansonia Police Department

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