I Pledge Allegiance, To Mayor Lauretti

When there’s no American flag in the room, Shelton Republicans pledge allegiance to Mark Lauretti’s lapel.

The meeting room of the Plumb Memorial Library was lacking an American flag for the Pledge of Allegiance to kickoff Monday’s Republican nominating convention, so Mayor Lauretti held the collar of his jacket aloft, complete with American flag pin.

In a unanimous vote, Shelton Republicans nominated the current Mayor Mark Lauretti for an 11th term Monday night.

In an interview after the nomination, the Mayor listed his accomplishments after 20 years in office — the city’s favorable credit rating, stable mill rate, and Bloomberg Businessweek magazine’s rating of Shelton as Connecticut’s best Affordable Suburb.

Lauretti will run against Democrat Chris Jones for the second time. Jones was nominated by his party last week.

About 75 people came out for the caucus, which accepted near universal nomination of a GOP steering committee’s recommendations. 

When asked about his confidence in the general election, Lauretti said I never worry about anybody else. I only worry about what I’m doing.”

Lauretti also referenced Shelton’s open space purchases, the upcoming Canal Street development and the increase in people working in Shelton.

The mayor made no mention of what his challenger two years ago termed a cloud of corruption.” That is, an FBI corruption investigation that has indicted four and sent three to jail. 

There was only a single deviation from the steering committee’s recommendation. Jay Francino-Quinn was nominated from the floor, but wasn’t recommended by the steering committee for the Board of Education.

Here is the full slate

Mark Lauretti

Raymond O’Leary

Board of Alderman

Anthony Simonetti
Eugene Kierce

Stan Kudej
Eric McPherson

John Anglace, Jr.
Lynn Farrell

Noreen McGorty
John Papa

Board of Apportionment and Taxation
Christopher Besescheck
Charlotte Madar
John Belden

Planning and Zoning Commission
Ruth Perkins
Anthony Pogoda
Virginia Harger
Thomas McGorty
Alternate – Joshua Kopac

Board of Education
Kathleen Yolish
Tom Minotti
Mark Holden
Win Oppel
Jay Francino-Quinn
Bernard Simons

Library Board
Ronald Schlegel
Janice Greiser

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