Jean Falbo-Sosnovich | Feb 28, 2025 6:15 am
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Seymour school board chairman Chris Champagne at the podium while town finance director Jason Vieira looks on.
SEYMOUR – The Seymour Board of Finance got its first look Wednesday (Feb. 26) at the Board of Education’s budget fiscal year 2025 – 2026, which is $3.1 million, or 7.9 percent, more than the current school budget.
In Seymour, the school board adopts a budget, and then sends it to the board of finance for review. In the spring voters get the final say.
Press Release | Feb 27, 2025 8:01 am
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CT House GOP Photo
State Rep. Nicole-Klarides Ditria
HARTFORD – State Rep. Nicole Klarides-Ditria (R‑105) Feb. 26 submitted testimony to the legislature’s Education Committee in support of Senate Bill: 1350 An Act Concerning the Availability of Automatic External Defibrillators and Requiring Cardiac Emergency Response Plans in Public Schools.
The measure, which includes concepts from HB 5893 originally proposed by Rep. Klarides-Ditria, will require boards of education to develop a cardiac emergency response plan for their schools to provide guidance during incidents of cardiac arrest. It also establishes a grant program to help boards of education offset the costs of implementing the cardiac emergency response plan, including the costs to purchase and maintain automatic external defibrillators and provide requisite training.
90s Grunge Fashion was all the rage, from ripped denim jeans and baggy tees to plaid shirts and crop tops. Exxon Corporation and Exxon Shipping were indicted on five criminal counts related to the devastating Exxon Valdez oil spill that occurred in Alaska in 1989. This landmark environmental legal case highlighted corporate accountability for ecological disasters.
Here is what was happening in our Valley, as stolen from the microfilm edition of The Evening Sentinel!
Jean Falbo-Sosnovich | Feb 26, 2025 8:28 am
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Photo by Jean Falbo-Sosnovich
SEYMOUR – The Board of Selectpersons unanimously voted at its Feb. 18 meeting to change the name of Broad Street Park to Chusetown Community Park.
The town held a contest among students to come up with a new name. Chusetown Community Park combines the ideas of high school student Aleksandra Czerwony and middle school student Mackenzie Blood.
Aleksandra suggested Chuse Park, while Mackenzie suggested Broad River Community Park. Click here for a previous Valley Indy story.
SHELTON — Republican Jason Perillo defeated Democrat Anthony Afriyie in a special election Tuesday (Feb. 25) for state Senate District 21, according to The Monroe Sun.
The seat, which was vacated by Republican Kevin Kelly in January, covers chunks of Monroe, Seymour, Shelton, and Stratford.
Jean Falbo-Sosnovich | Feb 24, 2025 3:22 pm
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SEYMOUR – Here are some highlights from the Seymour Police Department’s calls for service from Feb. 17, 2025 through Feb. 23, 2025.
It is a partial list of calls, curated by The Valley Indy. The goal is to give the public a head’s up on what’s happening in the community.
Note: generally, this publication does not post the names of people charged with misdemeanors; the names of victims; or numbered residential addresses. If we publish a suspect’s name, we track the case.
Seymour police received 154 calls for service and made five arrests between Feb. 17, 2025 and Feb. 23, 2025.
SEYMOUR — Registration is open for the first “This Is Me” relay/walk, scheduled for March 23 at Seymour High School.
The event is the idea of Seymour High School junior Wyatt Smarz. The event’s goal is to raise awareness for those with autism and intellectual disabilities. Wyatt has autism, he explained while getting approvals for the event in November.
(Left to right) Jason Perillo and Anthony Afriyie are running for a vacant seat in the state Senate.
SEYMOUR — SHELTON – A special election in state Senate District 21 is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 25.
Polls are open from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.
The election is happening to fill a vacancy created when Kevin Kelly, a Republican from Stratford, resigned in January.
The Candidates
The Democrats are running Anthony Afriyie, a Stratford resident. He is on the Stratford Town Council and works for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s office.
The Republicans are running Jason Perillo, a Shelton resident. He represents Shelton in the state House of Representatives, and works as an executive at Silver Hill Hospital in Fairfield County.
Jean Falbo-Sosnovich | Feb 18, 2025 12:29 pm
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Here are some highlights from the Seymour Police Department’s calls for service from Feb. 10, 2025 through Feb. 17, 2025.
It is a partial list of calls, curated by The Valley Indy. The goal is to give the public a head’s up on what’s happening in the community.
Note: generally, this publication does not post the names of people charged with misdemeanors; the names of victims; or numbered residential addresses. If we publish a suspect’s name, we track the case.
Seymour police received 212 calls for service and made seven arrests between Feb. 10, 2025 and Feb. 17, 2025.