Derby Charter Revision Public Hearing Is Wednesday, Aug. 5

DERBY — Press play to watch an interview with Alderman Rob Hyder about efforts underway to amend parts of the Derby City Charter.

Hyder is the chairman of the Derby Charter Revision Commission, and the bi-partisan group is scheduled to host a public hearing online 6 p.m. Wednesday.

HERE is the Zoom info to join the meeting:

Meeting ID: 872 0523 1338
Password: 431237

Dial by your location – +1 301 715 8592 – Meeting ID: 872 0523 133 – Password: 431237

CLICK HERE for the City of Derby’s calendar (where an agenda will be posted at least 24 hours before the meeting is scheduled to start).

The article continues below the image …

During Monday’s Navel Gazing’ video podcast, Hyder said the commission is getting ready to make five recommendations to the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen. The Alders would decide whether to put the suggestions to the public, who have the ultimate power to approve or reject the changes.

If all goes as planned, the proposed Charter changes could be on the November ballot.

Among the suggestions:

1. Inserting language into the Charter that clearly states the mayor’s position is a full-time job. (This would not change the mayor’s salary at this time. Any such change would be up to other elected officials).

2. Changing the terms of the mayor, Aldermen/Alderwomen, the Board of Education and other elected officials to four years (instead of the current two-year term).

3. Enabling the city to publish bids and notices on the city website, in addition to print publications.

4. Changing the name of the Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen to the Board of Alders

5. A general cleanup of language in the Charter, including the elimination of existing provisions the supersede state law (on paper).

Click play to watch!

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