SEYMOUR — Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Click this link to find out where to vote.
Click here to read a sample ballot.
First Selectman Kurt Miller, a Republican, is running without opposition for a fifth, two-year term as the town’s top elected official.
The town’s Board of Selectmen is also not competitive this year. There are six spots open and six candidates. The Board of Selectmen is Seymour’s legislative body.
Looking down the ballot, Stephen Behuniak, a Democrat currently serving on the Board of Selectmen, is giving up his seat and trying to get elected to the town’s planning and zoning commission.
Scroll down for a list of candidates.
Click play to listen Behuniak, the town’s Democratic Party leader, talk about his party’s slate:
Click play to listen to Miller review his party’s slate:
In addition to the town-office contests, Seymour is also asking voters to weigh-in on three yes/no questions regarding borrowing money for projects.
Question one asks whether the town should borrow $5 million for road repairs. Click here for a tentative list of roads to be improved.
Here is question one, word-for-word as it will appear on the ballot:
1) Shall the Town of Seymour appropriate $5,000,000 for the reconstruction and repair of various Town roads and roadside elements and finance the appropriation by issuing the Town’s bonds, notes, temporary notes or other obligations in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000?
Question two asks whether the town should borrow $1.4 million to upgrade the communication systems used by the town’s emergency services.
Here’s the precise language:
2) Shall the Town of Seymour appropriate $1,400,000 for communications equipment for the Town’s emergency services departments and finance the appropriation by issuing the Town’s bonds, notes, temporary notes or other obligations in an amount not to exceed $1,400,000?
Question three asks for permission to borrow $15 million to build a new recreation center somewhere in Seymour. Click here for a column the First Selectman wrote on the subject.
Here is the language as it will appear on the ballot Nov. 5:
3) Shall the Town of Seymour appropriate $15,000,000 for a new Community Center and finance the appropriation by issuing the Town’s bonds, notes, temporary notes or other obligations or pursuant to a long-term lease agreement with a third party in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000?
Board of Selectmen
Christopher Bowen
Robert VanEgghen
Board of Finance Full Term
William Sawicki, Sr.
Kristyn Hanewicz
Board of Finance To Fill Vacancy For Two Years
Kwame Dunbar
Board of Finance Alternates
Grace Brangwynne
Jeffrey Hanewicz
Board of Education
James Garofalo
Kristen Harmeling
Board of Assessment Appeals
Thomas LaPaglia
Saundra J. Gesek
Planning and Zoning Commission, Full Term
Stephan Behuniak
Police Commissioners, Full Term
Thomas Bennett
Police Commissioner, to fill vacancy
Colleen Fries
Library Trustees
Jean Uhelsky
Elizabeth Alvarez-James
First Selectman
Kurt Miller
Board of Selectmen
Al Bruno
Robert Findley
Trisha Danka
Annmarie Drugonis
Board of Finance, full term
Jim Cretella
Bettyann Peck
Board of Finance, alternates
Paul Wetowitz
Gary Popielasz
Board of Education
Jay Hatfield
Beth Nesteriak
Board of Assessment Appeals
Wendy J. Rossi
Christopher Drugonis
Planning and Zoning Commission, full term
Joseph Niezelski
Walter Birdsell
Thomas Lavranchuk
Police Commissioners, full term
Bill Paecht
David Bitso
Kyle Kelley
Police Commissioner, to fill vacancy
John Duke
Library Trustees
Joyce Koslowski
Thomas N. Schutte
Debbie Wasikowski