Valley Indy Radio: Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller

SEYMOUR — Full disclosure: this podcast episode was recorded three hours before First Selectman Kurt Miller learned there were two positive COVID-19 cases in town, so we do not talk about it.

Also, it was recorded while Miller was thinking about closing all Seymour parks, playgrounds and playing fields.

The announcement to actually close em came immediately after this episode was uploaded to the various podcast platforms Monday. But press play anyway, because Miller answers YOUR questions during the episode (or at least the questions posed by Valley Indy Facebook readers).

The questions are as follows:

Cliff Strumello: Ask him if he plans on suspending our budget votes. I am against doing that!”

Jennifer Lane Magri: Will the town or school system address wages for hourly workers in the short term rather than force them to the unemployment lines?”

Louis Bedini: Are there any plans to halt rent/utility payments for small business which were forced to close. Outside of the small business disaster loan?”

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Katie McDavid: Why won’t they give us more information regarding those testing positive? I get not giving names and addresses but would be helpful to know: shopped at such and such grocery store, was at dozens of places with examples, or had kept themselves at home other than one run out to somewhere, etc.”

Patricia Emily Rimkunas: Not a town issue but I wonder if we can get business like Stop and Shop, Ocean State to post notice of deliveries and stock. People running out from store to store for items that may or may not be in stock can’t be healthy.”

Siobhan Darcy: Us healthcare workers who work endless hours can’t get to the store at normal hours to get toilet paper or the few things of food they are putting out on the shelves. It’s unfair to us.”

Jack Jurkowski: Now that the Governor has released state bonding money, when will the West Church St and Bungay Rd paving project be done?”

C L Campana Dion: I’m very curious about the governor letting the towns handle the mill rates?”

The YouTube (audio-only) version of the interview is below:

Navel Gazing: The Valley Indy Podcast” is a weekly talk show on this website. It is sponsored by

Music courtesy of The Bad Slugs.

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