
Superstorm Sandy: By The Minute

by | Oct 30, 2012 7:51 am | Comments (0)

Note: We’re updating this post constantly. Refresh your page and hug an emergency responder.

The number of calls coming over emergency scanners regarding downed wires and trees in the lower Naugatuck Valley is staggering.

In addition, there were two calls in Shelton at about 6 p.m. regarding trees falling onto homes, trapping people inside. There were no injuries, luckily.

The radio calls are coming so often, it’s hard to tell what’s happening where.

Here’s what we’ve pieced together in the last few hours.

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Malloy Issues Katrina-Like Warning For The Coast

by | Oct 29, 2012 10:34 pm | Comments (0)

Thousands of people may people may be trapped in their homes because they didn’t heed the state’s evacuation warnings before Monday’s storm surge hit and our worst fears were being reached,“ Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a hastily called press conference Monday night around 9:15.

Malloy had urged municipal officials from Saybrook and west of New Haven to evacuate residents as if the storm was a Category 4 storm.

Click here to read more at CT News Junkie.

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Power Problems Persist In Oxford, Seymour And Shelton

by | Oct 29, 2012 5:05 pm | Comments (0)

Update: As of 5:40 p.m., 1,331 United Illuminating customers were without power.

Original post from 5:05 p.m. follows:

Winds in Connecticut have been gusting between 30 and 50 mph and those numbers will increase into the night, state officials warned local municipalities during a 4 p.m. conference call Monday.

The next six hours will see increasing winds and a record-breaking high tide is expected in Bridgeport off Long Island later tonight. The tide in Bridgeport could reach 11.9 feet, which would be the highest tide on record since a hurricane in 1938.

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Temple: Stay Off Roads

by | Oct 29, 2012 3:10 pm | Comments (0)

Oxford First Selectman George Temple issued CODERED alert Monday afternoon saying power crews are in town ready to respond to any emergencies and that non-essential vehicles should stay off the road.

Temple also said the town’s shelter at Oxford High School on Quaker Farms Road has not been opened, but is ready if the need arises. Schools and town offices will be closed Tuesday, he said.

As of 5:09 p.m., 1,,279 Oxford residents, about 24 percent of the town, were without power, according to CL&P’s Outage Map.

Temple’s full message, sent at 2:38 p.m., follows.

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Shelton Firehouses Fully Staffed, Ready To Respond

by | Oct 29, 2012 12:57 pm | Comments (0)

PHOTO: Eugene Driscoll

PHOTO: Eugene Driscoll

Fire Chief Fran Jones at Shelton's Emergency Operations Center in City Hall.

A command center at Shelton City Hall was up and running as of 8 a.m. Monday and the city’s emergency management team includes a representative from United Illuminating.

A shelter at the Senior Center is NOT open in the city as of 1 p.m. Monday. The city indicated on Sunday it would be opening, but sent out revised information Monday.

Fire Chief Fran Jones said the city’s four firehouses are staffed and ready to go. Charging stations and fresh water are available in case of a prolonged power failure.

There are also ambulances at each firehouse and firefighters ready to assist them in getting to any medical calls, he said. Police and public works personnel will also be staging at the firehouses, he said. 

Jones said anyone needing shelter should contact the Shelton Emergency Operations Center at 203 – 924-5941 for help. Those with emergencies requiring immediate attention should call 911.

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Audio, Video: Derby Officials Say Stay Inside Starting At 2 p.m.

by | Oct 29, 2012 12:36 pm | Comments (0)

Wind gusts and damaged trees were the top concern for Derby as Hurricane Sandy approached the Nutmeg State.

The wind was just starting to pick up in the lower Valley at 12:15 p.m. Monday, giving a preview of what the next 24 hours may bring.

Derby Office of Emergency Management Director Charles Sampson said depending on how the storm unfolds, the city could open two emergency shelters — one at Derby Middle School and one at the Bradley School.

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