Ansonia Warns Of Wind, Naugatuck River Levels

Reports of downed wires due to fallen branches were just starting to come into the Ansonia emergency operations center on the second floor of the Ansonia Police Department Monday when the Valley Indy stopped by to talk to Chief Kevin Hale.

The center was activated at 10 p.m. Sunday.

The city opened an emergency shelter at Ansonia High School on Pulaski Highway at 8 a.m. Monday. Mayor James Della Volpe distributed several Code Red” automated messages to Ansonia residents Sunday and Monday. A message from Della Volpe via Code Red is posted at the end of this article.

The city is also regularly updating its website with storm-related information.

Hale said high wind is a top concern in Ansonia. In addition, the city closed some flood gates along the Naugatuck River. The concern there is that the storm surge from Hurricane Sandy could push water back up the Naugatuck River and flood Ansonia.

Flooding from the Naugatuck will be a concern for the remainder of Monday, Hale said.

There will be a stronger surge tonight backing the river up,” he said.

The city is also keeping an eye on a United Illuminating substation near the Naugatuck River that provides power for most of Ansonia.

A UI representative is working out of the police department with Ansonia’s emergency operations team.

Click the YouTube video below for an audio interview the Valley Indy conducted with Hale Monday at about 2:15 p.m. Monday.

Here is the Monday afternoon Code Red message from Ansonia Mayor James Della Volpe:

Hello, this is Mayor James Della Volpe with an important message from the City of Ansonia.

The current forecast shows that the heaviest winds and rain from Hurricane Sandy will impact the City of Ansonia over the next twelve to eighteen hours. Be prepared for street and basement flooding as well as power outages.

As a reminder, please stay away from any downed trees, poles or power lines. Please call 911 to report emergencies.

The City of Ansonia’s emergency shelter is open and is located at the Ansonia High School on Pulaski Highway. Any residents that are going to the shelter are asked to bring any medication, pillow, blankets, and personal toiletries that they may need for a possible extended stay.

If needed, an animal shelter will be opened at the Mead School. Any animals brought to the shelter need to be caged and the resident is required to supply food for the animal. One resident will be needed to remain at the school with their animal.

The Ansonia school system, as well as all non-essential departments including City Hall and the Ansonia Library, are closed today and Tuesday. There will be no trash collection on Tuesday.

We will be updating residents as the need arises.

Thank you and be safe.

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