Valley Health

‘Women Making A Difference’ Tickets Available

by | Aug 17, 2011 9:16 am | Comments (0)

Joyce Barclay and Kate Cosgrove of Oxford; Daun Barrett, Rose Spiwak, and Ilene Wolf of Seymour; Susan Coyle of Shelton; and Bonnie Sinclair of Derby will be honored during the 11th Annual Women Making a Difference in the Valley (WMDIV) Tribute Luncheon and Breast Cancer Fundraiser. 

The tribute recognizes outstanding women” who have made positive contributions to the community and have demonstrated significant achievement in their fields of endeavor, both professional and volunteer. 

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Griffin Offers ‘Mini’ Med School For Average Joes

by | Aug 16, 2011 4:38 pm | Comments (0)

Griffin Hospital will offer a Fall session of its 10-week Mini-Med School” course beginning Thursday, September 15, 2011. 

The course is specifically designed for the layperson with little or no medical background, providing a unique opportunity to gain a greater understanding of how the human body works, insight into common disorders of the various organ systems, as well as information about disease prevention. 

Each weekly session will be divided into two hour-long presentations on different medical topics with a refreshment break between presentations and ample time for questions and answers. 

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Griffin Hospital’s Health Initiative For Men

by | Jun 9, 2011 11:20 am | Comments (0)

Health Initiative for Men:

Arnold Rivera, the chief of urology at Griffin Hospital, and Frank Michaud, founder of the Health Initiative for Men, talk with WTNH about the project. 

The Health Initiative for Men addresses men’s health issues. The first campaign for the project distributes Father’s Day card inserts that promote health screenings for cancer.

Click here for background.

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Health Premiums Double In Decade

by | Jun 1, 2011 7:55 am | Comments (0)

Connecticut’s private employers have seen the price of health insurance premiums for workers and their families rise 102 percent since 1999, an analysis by C-HIT shows. The amount that families pay for this coverage rose an even steeper 107 percent.

The increases came during a decade when median household income in Connecticut grew by less than one third.

Click here to continue reading this story at C-HIT, a sister site of the Valley Indy.

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Griffin Launches Men’s Health Initiative

by | May 26, 2011 2:52 pm | Comments (0)

Let’s face it – men just don’t take as good care of themselves as they should sometimes.

That includes seeing their doctor for their annual checkup, when many health problems can be identified through screening and treated before they become more serious, or even life-threatening.

To help inspire men to have an annual physical and raise awareness about men’s health issues such as prostate cancer and colorectal cancer, Griffin Hospital will be launching the Health Initiative for Men” (HiM), a new community-wide preventive health care effort.

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Griffin Hospital Expands Summer Student Volunteer Program

by | May 24, 2011 8:16 am | Comments (0)

For decades, the student volunteer program at Griffin Hospital has offered students a variety of service experiences in a vibrant healthcare environment. 

This summer, Griffin has expanded the age requirement for students to include 14 year-olds who are in high school (or who are about to enter high school in the fall).

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