ANSONIA — The following message is from the Ansonia Police Department:
“The City of Ansonia, through the Mayor’s Office and all individual departments are committed to providing public services to the citizens of Ansonia during this time of worldwide crisis. To protect not only our citizens but also our employees, the City of Ansonia has made some modifications to how we deliver services.
The priority is to prevent or slow the transmission of the COVID 19 virus by limiting person-to-person contact as much as possible. Mayor David Cassetti has elected to close city offices to the general public but still allowing citizens the ability to reach all City departments by phone or email.
This should help reduce the possibility of infecting one another. If you need to contact a specific department please call them directly. All Department phone numbers are posted on the City of Ansonia website at www.cityofansonia.com.
The emergency services and public works functions for the City of Ansonia are fully staffed and capable to respond to calls for service. However, the police, fire, and medical services have changed some of their running rules to help eliminate non-essential interactions with others.
This does not mean that police, fire, public works, and ambulance services will not assist you with your request. It just may happen in a way that our citizens are not accustomed to.
All crimes in progress and ones involving crimes of violence will be responded to in the normal fashion.
Other calls, minor in nature, will be accepted, however, they may be dealt with through phone contact from an Ansonia Police Officer.
Medical services will be provided as usual but you may be asked a series of screening questions by dispatchers. Medical personnel may arrive in full protective gear. Please do not be alarmed. This is for your protection as well as theirs.
We are asking that Ansonia residents be patient while we work through this unprecedented emergency. We are doing our best to provide all services. The objective is to prevent our emergency personnel and city workers from becoming ill and paralyzing our ability to respond.
Below you will find a status of services for the City of Ansonia:
City Hall – Closed to the general public but open for telephonic and email communications;
Ansonia Public Schools- Closed until further notice;
Public Works- Open;
Ansonia Rescue and Medical Services – Open;
WPCA – Closed to the general public but open for telephonic and email communications;
Police Department – Open- Modified running rules.
Fire Department- Open
Library- Closed to the general public but open for telephonic and email communications;
Senior Center – Closed to the general public but open for telephonic and email communications.
Ansonia Nature Center- Closed to the general public but open for telephonic and email communications.
We fully believe that we will get through this crisis together. Please be patient. We are working closely with the State of CT and the Naugatuck Valley Health Department to stay updated and prepared to respond. Important updates will be posted periodically.