Aldermen, Mayor Battle Over Budget Meeting ‘Boycott’

Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti accused three Aldermen of boycotting a committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday to look at possible changes to the way the city funds its employee health insurance to save money.

The sparse attendance meant the committee couldn’t officially meet, or make any decisions. But Cassetti convened an informal” session during which two companies gave presentations on the city’s insurance options.

The Aldermen said they did not skip the presentation intentionally, prompting more than seven minutes of recriminations when they met again Thursday.

For Some Reason It Was Boycotted’

The Aldermen’s finance committee has been having workshop meetings this month to discuss the city’s 2016 – 2017 budget.

They were due to meet Wednesday for presentations from two insurance brokerages — Brown & Brown Insurance and USI Insurance Services — to see if the city and school district could save money by moving to self-funded” insurance plans.

The question over possible insurance savings has been the major sticking point in this year’s budget process.

But when Wednesday’s meeting was convened at 6 p.m., only the committee’s chairman, Second Ward Alderman Lorie Vaccaro, was present.

Cassetti was not pleased.

For some reason it was boycotted,” he announced to the handful of people in attendance. I don’t know why, and I’m not too happy.”

Click the play button on the video above to see the mayor begin the meeting.

Not Good, Charlie’

The finance committee consists of Vaccaro, First Ward Aldermen Charles Stowe and Randolph Carroll, Third Ward Aldermen Joseph Jeanette and Denice Hunt, and the Fourth Ward’s Richard Kaslaitis.

Hunt is away on a planned vacation, Vaccaro said. Stowe showed up about 10 minutes into Wednesday’s meeting, apologizing for being late.

Cassetti later singled out Carroll, Jeanette, and Kaslaitis as having boycotted.”

The three said Thursday there was no organized effort to skip the meeting.

Carroll and Kaslaitis said they had family obligations that meant they couldn’t be at Wednesday’s meeting. Jeanette said he had been tired from putting in a long shift at work the night before.

During the informal” meeting Wednesday, the insurance brokers made their pitches as a secretary recorded notes. There were no votes.

photo:ethan fry

Between presentations, Cassetti vented to Stowe.

I’m a little bit upset with the other numbskulls,” he said.

Stowe told him not to worry. At least there’s some of us here.”

Not good, Charlie,” Cassetti said.

After the meeting, Cassetti said he was very upset.”

I’m going to call these guys out,” he said. The finance team called a meeting and they didn’t show up. I think they boycotted it.”

Vaccaro e‑mailed his fellow Aldermen later, saying it was rude and disrespectful” of them to not show up without letting him know ahead of time.

If there were conflicts, we could have rescheduled,” he wrote.

No Apologies Tonight’

The committee met again Thursday to discuss the budget — but not before a back-and-forth about what had happened the day before.

Carroll said he took issue with Vaccaro’s email.

I’ve dedicated 30 years to this town, Lorie, and for you to send me that email I find offensive and appalling and I expect an apology from you,” he said.

Noted,” Vaccaro replied.

I don’t hear an apology coming from you, Lorie,” Carroll said.

Article continues after video of the exchange between the two elected officials.

Vaccaro asked Kaslaitis if he wanted to say anything.

There’s nothing to really talk about,” Kaslaitis said, also taking issue with Vaccaro’s email. Let’s just continue doing what we need to do.”

Vaccaro then read the email he had sent, and said those who didn’t show up should have let him know.

It’d be nice if we could have a quorum,” he said. So no apologies tonight.”

Jeanette noted he’s been an Aldermen much longer than Vaccaro, and as a result has spent more time at meetings.

If anyone thinks our family and our jobs and our livelihoods doesn’t come first, they’re wrong,” he said.

Vaccaro said the finance committee’s other meetings have been attended well, pointing out that Aldermanic President Phil Tripp also usually sits in.

Last night … was the most important meeting that this finance committee, and maybe even any other committee in this city will have,” Vaccaro said.

In your opinion,” Tripp, who sat in on Thursday’s meeting, interjected.


Afterward, Tripp said he likes to sit in on finance committee meetings, but couldn’t Wednesday because he got stuck in traffic on the way back from his job in Wilton.

There’s a lot of important meetings that we have,” he said. Maybe this is the most important meeting to him.”

Vaccaro said he was still a little miffed” by Wednesday’s no-shows.

No one texted me or called me,” he said. They’ve been to every meeting … I can’t say it was a boycott but it appeared to be a boycott.”

The Aldermen’s finance committee will continue to deliberate the budget next week.

A special meeting of the full board to adopt a spending plan for 2016 – 2017 is scheduled for April 28.

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