American Legion Donates Comic Books To Ansonia Schools

Last week, the Ansonia Gordon-Visselli American Legion Post 50 donated 1,000 comic books to Mead and Prendergast schools. 

The Ansonia Gordon-Visselli American Legion Post 50 has donated 1,000 comic books to Mead and Prendergast schools. Post Adjutant Pat Henri distributed the comic books last week, primarily consisting of patriotic themes that included the following five titles: I Pledge Allegiance; Light of Liberty; The American Flag; Our Veterans; and Bridging the Gap, which conveys anti-bullying themes. This is the second year that the books have been presented to the Ansonia Public Schools. 

Two of the Four Pillars of the American Legion include Americanism” and Children and Youth.” In gifting these reading materials to Ansonia students, we hope to generate interest in the topics while giving the kids an opportunity to learn about them in a friendly format,” said Post Commander Jack Granatie, adding, most kids gravitate to comic strips and hopefully their parents will enjoy reading them also.”

In another activity, Post 50 has been recognized by the Legion’s State of Connecticut Department for supplying POW/MIA (Prisoner of War/Missing in Action) flags to be displayed at Ansonia public buildings, including fire houses and schools. It is important to keep fresh in our memories, that we live a life of freedom and liberty due to the actions of our service members, some of who never came home and have not yet been accounted for,” said Post Junior Vice-Commander Bob Knotts.

Veterans interested in joining the American Legion may contact Post 50 Senior Vice-Commander Mike Heise at 203 – 308-7845 for more information. It is only with the continued service of local veterans that Post 50 can continue to benefit the community and expand its outreach. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club, 28 Howard Avenue, Ansonia. 

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