ANSONIA — The Gordon-Visselli American Legion Post 50 of Ansonia would like to extend its gratitude to our contributors for the July 4 Legion Liftoff event at Nelligan Park. It was a huge success. Ansonia Public Works, Ansonia Rescue and Medical Services (ARMS), Ansonia Recreation Director Jeff Coppola and Mayor David S. Cassetti were all instrumental in making this a fun-filled morning for over 100 people.
Yes, the rain did stop, and the sun did come out long enough to complete our mission of celebrating Independence Day besides many patriotic citizens. The rocket-eating trees enjoyed their share of excitement too (TAPS for seven).
The generosity of our sponsor, veteran Yusaf Arslan of Veteran Textile and Bora Bora Laundromat at 674 Main Street, Ansonia, made the purchasing of rocket components much easier on our finances.
Post 50 meets September through June at 7:00 PM at the Ansonia Armory at the corner of North Cliff and State Streets. New members are always welcome and would ensure that events such as the Legion Liftoff continue as well as keeping a military/veteran pro-active presence in the community. For further information, contact Post 50 Commander Mike Heise, 203 – 308-7845.
Pat Henri
Post 50 Adjutant
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