It’s time to vote again, folks. Make it an event Tuesday, Nov. 4, and treat yourself and someone you love to a meal before or after voting.
Give new-comer James Brown a look for U.S. Congress. He understands that socialism belongs to a long line of historical failures across the ocean. In the states, we like to keep what we earn, pay as little in taxes as possible, protect borders, give the military the tools and training that they need, ensure the security of our homes and persons from criminals and keep Ebola quarantined. If you believe in those things, and liberty, James Brown is your guy.
Closer to home, Lt. Col. Phil Tripp of Ansonia is running for the State Senate.
Phil Tripp understands that finances, new business, economic development and the lack thereof, impacts 100% of us. We need people who will lead us down a road of recovery and prosperity. Phil is the new, fresh candidate with the leadership capability to put us back on track. As a military man, he is serious about mission execution and will focus on financial objectives that will benefit both families and businesses.
The mission here in Connecticut, especially the Valley, is jobs, the economy and taxes. As president of Ansonia’s Board of Aldermen, Phil has been heavily involved in the administration that is on the fast track to turning Ansonia around. Sending him to Hartford will give Ansonia and the Valley the sorely needed attention it has been lacking.
It’s time to send a Valley resident to Hartford who understands and truly represents Valley residents. Let’s give ourselves a fighting chance with leadership for a change. Please get out and vote for Phil Tripp and James Brown. You’ll feel good!
The writer represents the Sixth Ward on Ansonia’s Board of Aldermen.