As strange as it sounds, Ansonia residents actually have to vote YES on ballot question number 7 to ensure their right to vote. Ballot question 7, if passed, will allow residents to have a say on the city budget for the first time in Ansonia’s history.
More specifically, the proposal allows residents to vote on a proposed city budget by referendum in the event that the proposed budget carries a net tax increase of 3 percent or higher. It has been referred to as to as the “Responsible Referendum” because it would encourage city officials to be responsible with taxpayer money at budget time.
The Responsible Referendum will have a clear impact on taxes. Just consider that Ansonia saw a net tax increase of 7 percent this year and 6 percent last year. In 2008 the net tax increase was above 10 percent! Those budgets would have required voter approval under the proposed Responsible Referendum process.
This unique proposal is also “responsible” in the sense that it does not require a referendum for every budget proposal. Only those proposed budgets that carry a substantial tax increase (3 percent or above) would be sent to referendum. This would avoid the costs of the typical referendum system where every budget must be approved by referendum.
The right to vote: it’s an American tradition that is too many times taken for granted. As I have stated to the Board of Aldermen on numerous occasions, the right of the People of the City of Ansonia to vote is Absolute.
Residents will have the opportunity to vote for the Responsible Referendum as ballot question number 7 on Tuesday, Nov. 5. However, voters must remember to turn their ballots over to the reverse side to find it.
I am supporting the Responsible Referendum because it will give all voting City residents a direct say in how their money is spent. I only ask that Ansonia residents exercise their right to vote for their right to vote on Nov. 5!
Phil Tripp
The writer is a Republican member of the Board of Aldermen seeking re-election in the city’s Second Ward.
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