Ansonia Aldermen Adopt Budget With Mill Rate Decrease

ANSONIA — Members of the Ansonia Board of Aldermen unanimously adopted a budget that cuts the mill rate while fully-funding Ansonia Public Schools.

The new mill rate for real estate and personal property is 26.24. That’s about 11.6 mills lower than the current rate.

The new budget takes effect July 1.

The mill rate cut means the owner of a single-family house assessed at $193,000 will pay $125 less in local property taxes.

Tax bills are created by a formula that includes property assessments and the mill rate. This year the numbers in the equation changed due to a state-mandated property revaluation.

Not all property owners will see lower tax bills. Owners of multi-family houses saw the values of their properties increase during the recent revaluation. As a result, the owner of a two-family house assessed at $202,810 will pay $366 more in taxes.

Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti compared Ansonia’s new mill rate to higher rates in the state, such as the City of New Britain, and pointed out the new budget funds public schools while not cutting back on city services such as the police department, EMS and the fire department.

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