Ansonia Announces Fundraisers For Accident Victims’ Families

A ziti dinner fundraiser and a balloon fundraiser will be held later this week to support the families of two 6‑year-old children who lost their lives in car accidents a week ago.

Nyah Marcano, a Prendergast student, and Leah Rondon, a Mead student, were about to enter first grade this Thursday, the first day of the 2015 – 16 school year.

Ziti Dinner

The ziti dinner fundraiser will be held at Ansonia High School on Thursday, Aug. 27. There will be three waves of dinner times: 4 p.m.; 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Volunteers from Ansonia Public Schools, the Ansonia Fire Department, the Ansonia Police Department, Ansonia Rescue Medical Services and other agencies will be assisting.

The cost of admission to the ziti dinner is $10 for adults; $5 for students; and free to children ages 6 and younger. 

Balloon Fundraiser

A balloon fundraiser, Ansonia Goes Blue for Nyah and Leah,” will be held this weekend as well. 

Mayor David Cassetti is providing a banner that will span Main Street, promoting this special remembrance.

Anyone wishing to purchase a balloon for $5 will be asked to complete a form with their name and address and submit the form with their cash payment by this Friday, Aug. 28 to Mead or Prendergast School.

Volunteers from Mead and Prendergast School and their parent-teacher organizations will fill the balloons and deliver them to the purchaser’s address on Saturday, Aug. 29. For purchasers who live outside of Ansonia, the balloons will be tied outside Mead and Prendergast School. 

Anyone wishing for more information may call the schools: Mead School, 203 – 736-5090, and Prendergast School, 203 – 736-5080.

The Valley United Way will be serving as fiduciary for all funds that are raised.

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