Ansonia Appoints Charter Revision, Cost-Cutting Commissions

Ansonia Aldermen appointed members Tuesday to a new Charter Revision Commission, as well as a Cost-Cutting Commission” to find ways for the city to save money.

Both initiatives were promises of Mayor David Cassetti, whose criticism of city spending and tax increases formed the main plank of his campaign for office last year. He was elected Nov. 5. 

Charter Revision Commission

Aldermen voted last month to initiate the charter revision process to seek a more accountable budgetary system” for the city.

Aldermen on Tuesday appointed the following residents to the Charter Revision commission:

  • William Luneski, unaffiliated
  • Christopher Lisi, Democrat
  • Joseph Jeanette, a Democratic Alderman
  • Matthew Edo, a Republican Alderman
  • Daniel King, Republican
  • Horace Behrle, Democrat
  • Beverly Tidmarsh, Republican

Luneski, who owns L2 Innovate computer sales and repair shop on Main Street, returns to the commission having served on it last year, when it recommended four changes to the charter, including a budget referendum triggered by a tax increase of 3 percent or more.

Voters approved all the recommendations Nov. 5.

Click here for more information from a previous story.

The charter revision commission will explore:

  • Having the mayor and Board of Aldermen take a more active role in putting the budget together,
  • Creating a three-way system” of checks and balances between Aldermen, the mayor, and the public,
  • Replacing the Board of Apportionment and Taxation with a month-to-month budget administration system” under the supervision of a finance director or city manger,
  • Requiring aldermen to approve transfering funds on a month-to-month basis (currently a BOAT responsibility),
  • Establishing a budget system that minimizes bureaucracy, maximizes transparency and encourages fiscal responsibility.”

Cost-Cutting Commission

Also appointed Tuesday were six members of a new Cost-Cutting Commission, another initiative Cassetti promised during his campaign.

Aldermen created the commission at last month’s meeting, directing members to meet monthly to review city spending and come up with recommendations for reductions.

Commission members will review budget documents, contracts, city bank account statements, and the city’s audits.

The commission must submit a written report with to Cassetti and Aldermen each quarter describing its activities and detailing recommendations for savings.

Aldermen on Tuesday appointed six members — four Democrats, a Republican, and an unaffiliated member — Cassetti had nominated for the commission.

They are:

  • Nancy Valentine, Republican
  • Larry Boemmels, Democrat
  • Ryan Hunt, unaffiliated
  • John Izzo, Democrat
  • Edward Norman, Republican
  • Michael Egan, Democrat

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