Ansonia Democrats Seek Nominees For Public Office

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ANSONIA The Ansonia Democratic Town Committee is hosting an informational event this Thursday, February 13th, for residents who may be interested in running for local office this year. The event will be held in the private room at Norwood Athletic Club, 35 Maple St. in Ansonia, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

If you are a team player who wants to be more involved in your community, this event is a great opportunity to learn about the positive impact you can have by serving in local office. People of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences are encouraged to attend — our community is stronger with a variety of viewpoints in the conversation.

Every two years, on Election Day, Ansonia voters select nearly all our local elected officials. This year, on Nov. 4, the following positions will be up for election:

— Mayor

— Treasurer

— Town Clerk

— Board of Aldermen

— Board of Education (parents, grandparents, teachers, paraprofessionals: we especially want to hear from you!)

— Sheriff

The Ansonia Democrats are currently seeking interested parties for each of the elected positions. All ages and backgrounds are welcome, we are a big tent! Whether you have a wealth of expertise or are brand new to the process, you will feel welcomed, and your interest will be taken seriously. We encourage folks to reach out early, as the Ansonia Democrats would like to get to know interested parties in advance of the nomination process. Please note that unaffiliated and independent voters interested in running for office are also welcome to attend this event if you may want to run on our slate. All inquiries will be welcomed and thoughtfully considered.

Not ready to run for office? You can still be involved! The committee is welcoming Democrats to join its meetings and be considered for membership to the Ansonia Democratic Town Committee.

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!