Ansonia Housing Authority Director Search Hits Snag

The Ansonia Housing Authority’s top pick for a new executive director unexpectedly withdrew his name from the search earlier this month. 

The Ansonia Housing Authority Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday (May 15) to offer the position to Florida resident Alex Morales.

But Morales, 45, withdrew his name from the search Wednesday (May 16). 

It’s just not the right fit for us,” Morales said when reached by phone. For everyone. We’ve been talking back and forth about the possibility, and during those conversations I think we concluded I’m not the right person to do this right now.”

Morales, who had previously spent seven years as the executive director of a housing authority in Hialeah, Fla., thought the decision was mutual. 

But Ansonia Housing Authority officials were surprised by his move. 

James Tyma, the chairman of the Ansonia Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, wouldn’t comment on why Morales withdrew his name.

He told our attorney,” Tyma said. I’m not going to comment on that.”

Tyma did say the Board of Commissioners will have to regroup after the unexpected move. The board didn’t have a second candidate lined up, he said. 

We’ll have to meet with the board again,” Tyma said. 

They don’t plan to start over from scratch. The search had yielded dozens” of applications, officials have said. 

Jeff Tuccio, an attorney for the housing authority, said in an e‑mail that Morales withdrew his application before the Board of Commissioners could start contract negotiations with him. 

Morales said he wasn’t formally offered the job before he withdrew his application. 

Morales was under the impression Ansonia wanted someone with more redevelopment experience. Tyma wouldn’t comment on whether that was true. 

Ansonia’s housing authority is overseeing the demolition of four apartment buildings at the Riverside Apartment complex, plans for which are pending before the Special Application Center at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

I think they want to be really conscious and make certain that someone will be there for a long time,” Morales said. Redevelopment experience is really critical.”

Morales listed his strengths as being a manager and organizer. 

The board needs to have somebody they’re comfortable with and thinks will meet the needs of the agency,” he said. I’m not the skill set and experience that matches what Ansonia is looking for and needs right now.”

The Search

FILEThe Ansonia Housing Authority has been searching for a new executive director since the former director, James Finnucan, resigned in December. 

An investigation by the Valley Independent Sentinel showed that Finnucan was renting an apartment under the Section 8 program the Ansonia Housing Authority administered — in direct violation of HUD regulations.

The listed salary for the job is $105,000.

Interim Executive Director Jimmy Miller did not return calls or e‑mails for comment last week. 

It’s not clear how long the search will take, after this setback.

There’s not a specific deadline, but sooner would be better than later,” Tyma said. 

Miller is under contract as the part-time interim director until the end of July. 

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