Ansonia Official: White House, NYC Mayor, Al Sharpton Are ‘Accomplices To Murder’

Last Saturday a tragedy occurred in New York City. Two police officers were assassinated by a deranged criminal as they sat in their squad car. 

As shocking as the news was of this, it was really no surprise. 

Over the last few months, anti-police sentiment has been growing in popularity, fueled by divisive messaging and race-baiting from the White House administration and most recently, by New York’s Mayor DeBlasio. 

Al Sharpton, a professional hate-monger, racist and frequent visitor to the White House, played his usual role of fueling the fire against police. 

Their actions have finally led to a logical outcome, the murder of policemen. 

What else could we have expected? It was just a matter of time. These people are accomplices to murder. 

They are responsible for planting the seeds of hate and guiding the assassin to the police cruiser in which the officers sat innocently. 

Now, our police forces nationwide must be extra vigilant, as if their jobs weren’t hazardous enough, because of a federal administration that presents such a distain for them, condescendingly insisting that it is the police who must do better. 

They have manufactured and actively promoted a racial divide between poor blacks and police forces without the statistics to back it up. 

They persist in their narrative that an overwhelming problem exists so they can cash in on the opportunity to be great civil rights leaders, which they will never be. They are legacy building on the backs of their brothers. 

They are in fact, traitors to their race. 

They would take America back 40 years if we let them through our silence. They are a disgrace to the country, decency and mankind. They have failed in everything they have attempted and so they look to focus on municipal incidents to say America has an expansive deep-rooted problem that only federal intervention can resolve. 

They have failed at that also. They are missing the opportunity of using their positions to address the real problems of poverty, lack of well-paying jobs, failing schools, broken families and absent fathers. 

Since they can’t find the answers to those real issues, they attempt to take our attentions elsewhere. They are the tail trying to wag the dog.

It is in this environment that I ask that my fellow citizens to show support for those New York police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty, as well as their families. I would suggest that the best way to do that is to show support to our own local police departments. 

During this holiday season with a new year approaching, perhaps a card or letter of well wishes, appreciation, thanks or just seasons’ greetings would be well received. The men and women who patrol our streets and serve and protect may be receptive to some encouragement in light of the shadows that have been cast against their selfless profession. 

It is they, who daily go into uncertain situations where they deal with mentally unstable, violent, emotionally charged and dangerous people, just to name a few scenarios. 

I wish them all a safe, uneventful year with many boring work shifts and ask for God’s blessing upon them. They are our FINEST and we should treat them as such.

In Ansonia, correspondence may be mailed to:

Chief of Police
Ansonia Police Department
2 Elm Street
Ansonia, CT 06401

Patrick Henri
Gordon-Visselli Post 50
American Legion, Ansonia

The writer, Patrick Henri, is an elected member of the Ansonia Board of Aldermen, representing the city’s Sixth Ward.

Please note a guest column is a letter to the editor. The opinions do not reflect the opinion of the Valley Indy.

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