ANSONIA — The City of Ansonia is creating rules regarding the ‘keeping of hens’ within city limits.
Raising chickens for eggs has exploded since the COVID-19 pandemic and the inflation wave earlier this year.
The city’s zoning enforcement department has received a smattering of complaints about people keeping chickens.
A public hearing on the new rules is scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m. tonight (Monday, June 26) in front of the Ansonia Planning and Zoning Commission. The meeting will be held on Zoom. Click here to attend the meeting.
Click play on the video above to watch a conversation about the new rules with Ansonia Corporation Counsel John Marini and Ansonia Land Use Administrator Ronda Porrini.
As it stands, essentially only farmland in Ansonia can house chickens.
The proposed regulations change that by explaining how much land is needed in order to raise chickens, along with how far chicken coops have to be from a neighbor’s property. It also says no more than six chickens are allowed.
No roosters are allowed — an attempt to thwart early-morning noise.
A copy of the rules are embedded as an image above.
Click play to watch an approximate 20-minute discussion about the proposed regulations, and be sure to attend tonight’s meeting on Zoom to make your voice heard.