An assessor’s map showing 26 Gardners Lane, a 14-acre property where an age-restricted multi-family housing development has been proposed.
ANSONIA — The Planning and Zoning Commission pushed a discussion of a controversial age-restricted housing application to Sept. 24.
The commission held its monthly meeting Aug. 27.
On the agenda — discussion of a zone change proposal to allow age-restricted housing on a 14-acre property off Castle Lane.
The prospect of development on the property has been the subject of controversy for years.
The property’s owner pulled a controversial application for a housing subdivision on the property in 2015 with a view to selling it to the city for use as open space.
But a deal was never reached, and the developer’s lawyer has filed a new application to put 20 units of age-restricted housing there.
Residents of the neighborhood opposed the proposal at public hearings on the application in July and last week.
Several residents of the neighborhood showed up for Monday’s meeting, but none spoke during the public session after the commission’s chairman, Jared Heon, said they couldn’t consider further comments on the application because the public hearing was over.
Instead of discussing whether to approve the application Monday, the zoners voted to continue the matter to be put on their agenda for their meeting next month, scheduled for Sept. 24 at 7 p.m.
Heon said some of the commissioners weren’t able to attend the public hearing, a transcript of which had just been received.
“At this time I don’t think it would be prudent to take a motion (approving or denying the application) on that,” Heon said.
The Sept. 24 meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. in Aldermanic Chambers at City Hall, 253 Main St.