Mayor James Della Volpe announced Friday that the city has received a $70,000 grant for a new generator at the Ansonia Police Department.
“During Hurricane Sandy, the current police generator was insufficient in meeting all the needs of the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and our disaster communications had been compromised,” Della Volpe said in a prepared statement.
“This location had lost power for about 24 hours and the Army, through the Department of Emergency Management Homeland Security, transported a generator unit to temporarily address our needs.”
The mayor commended the city’s grant writer, Eileen Krugel, for her diligent efforts in securing the grant funds.
The grant comes from the Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), through FEMA,
The goal of the HMGP is to “reduce the risk of damage for future natural disasters,” according to grant documentation. The federal match for the $70,000 is 75 percent; with the city’s share of 25 percent.
“This is very good news and relieves a huge concern that we have at this building,” Ansonia Police Chief Kevin Hale said in a prepared statement. “This generator not only backs up the police department, but also the EOC. This center, over the past four storms has served as the nerve center for city services and as such, has to operate fully.”
While the city received a grant for the generator, Della Volpe said the city did not receive money from the state in the first round of Connecticut’s school security grants.
The city hopes to receive the money for school security in a subsequent grant round.
Both the generator and school security funds are included in the November bond referendum, according to the mayor.
Della Volpe said that in securing these grant funds, it would reduce the amount of money to be expended for the bond if the referendum questions pass on Election Day.