Dear fellow taxpayers. Substantial progress has been made affecting all of us in so many positive ways since the new Cassetti Administration came into Office last year, and in an effort to continue this great momentum, I am urging you to vote yes for all four of the Charter Revision Questions on this year’s Ballot.
A good administration needs the support of the people and the tools necessary to be successful and by voting for these Charter Revisions we will be giving the administration the tools they need to continue to be successful and continue to affect positive change for all Ansonia residents.
I personally judge a new administration and its recommended policy changes with the gage “how do these changes benefit me and my family”? So far, the new administration has made several changes that have benefited all of us: Here are just a few:
- A near one mill tax decrease during FY 2013 – 2014 and a projected additional decrease for FY 14 – 15.
- Reduction in the sewer use fee with the administration on Record that further reductions can be anticipated next year.
- Several new businesses coming in,
- Progress on the economic development front as a result of an aggressive marketing strategy by our grants writer/ED Coordinator.
- Much improved Public Works Department,
- Aggressive road repaving program.
- A cleaner city and an effective anti-blight program that has already produced substantial results through an aggressive inspection program that holds landlords responsible for cleaning up their properties, thereby improving neighborhoods and enhancing property values.
These improvements along with a hefty budget surplus demonstrates prudent spending and sound fiscal management. So whether we have 7 wards and 14 Alderman or 3 wards and 9 Alderman, I believe the end result is the same.
It really doesn’t matter to me personally. As a member of BOAT I support reducing the number of members down to 7 and final budget decisions would made by the Alderman.
Those budget decisions will still come with strong recommendations from the BOAT and this process will hold our elected officials more accountable for their decisions. Streamlined government is not a bad thing here.
The thought and research that has gone into each question and the process by which each of the questions was developed, debated by public officials on both sides of the isle and ultimately enacted is substantial – as are the benefits that will result for all tax payers through another successful Referendum on Tuesday.
Whether you are for or against Charter Revision, taxpayers made it abundantly clear during last years’ election that sweeping changes were needed in town to make Ansonia a better place to live and work and equally as important, a more affordable place to live – and work. The current administration has accomplished this – and a lot more, and as a result I for one will vote YES and will continue to give the Administration the tools they need to perform.
Whether it is the BOAT or BOA or a combination of both, the key is that these boards, along with several new dedicated volunteers and elected officials have made all of our lives much better in a very short period of time and for these – and many more reasons, I plan to vote YES on Tuesday and urge you to do the same.
The writer serves on the city’s Board of Apportionment and Taxation.