Ansonia School Board Member Supports Jaumann

I support Joe Jaumann to represent us in the race for the 104th Assembly District Seat on Nov. 6. 

My support for Joe is no reflection on his opponent, but simply about supporting the most qualified person for the job –- the candidate who has a proven record of success in local government and the required hands-on experience delivering for the tax payers of Ansonia and Derby. 

Joe’s experience will serve us well in Hartford. A popular Fifth Ward Alderman, owner of a law firm and member of Ansonia’s Economic Development Commission, who was instrumental in supporting many of our multi-million-dollar grant initiatives, former chair of our Planning & Zoning Commission and presently serves as the Vice President of Ansonia Little League and Tee Ball coach. Joe’s life is dedicated to public service and if elected he will continue to champion efforts that will benefit Ansonia and Derby tax payers. 

As an experienced and skilled litigator Joe will challenge the status quo in Hartford, he will fight the good fight for his constituents, and he will fight to assure that Connecticut thrives and grows jobs once again. He will continue advocating for a more business friendly environment and he will without question fight to fix the state’s formula grants for Ansonia and Derby. He will advocate and fight to assure the state fully funds Education Cost Sharing grants to municipalities like ours. 

Joe Jaumann has the experience needed to challenge the state as it continues to funnel less and less money to cities and towns for education and other much needed services for our citizens. Joe knows that state dollars are failing to keep up with rising costs of education and numerous unfunded mandates. He will be an advocate against this continuing disservice to our taxpayers — and he has the proven experience to accomplish it.

Under the Democratic-controlled legislature the state is presently running a $5 billion deficit with their tax and spend mentality. As an Attorney Joe has the experience needed to turn this injustice around. I am confident Joe will work tirelessly to help reverse this terrible injustice to our residents and tax payers. He is the only candidate with the experience to do it and he will ensure a pragmatic and fiscally responsible solution for our tax payers.

My good friend Linda Gentile served us extremely well over the past 14 years in the Legislature and she accomplished much good for the Valley. We have big shoes to fill and at this time they can only be filled with an experienced and proven candidate to assure Ansonia and Derby are treated properly and get our fair share of the state’s shrinking pie. Joe is a proven leader and a great family man. He and his wife Crystal have three wonderful children, an older son who is a US Marine serving our country admirably in Okinawa, Japan. Crystal is also a Marine veteran. Thank you to the Jaumann’s for your service to our country. A vote for not only Joe on Nov. 6, but for George, Themis and Kurt will also assure that our team will continue to fight the good fight for our tax payers. 

The writer is a member of Ansonia’s Board of Education.

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