When I think about a town like ours, as small as we are, and how we need to move it forward…I see a community that should be bonded together, moving in unison with each other.
For four years I served on our Economic Development Commission under Mayor Dell, three and a half as Chairman, DEM and GOP. At the time I was first appointed, the EDC was a slug fest of political jockeying and I thought, ​“How ludicrous, if we all want the same thing: the best for our city.” From that point forward, for me, it would be Ansonia first and party last. Convincing Mayor Dell that I was sincere took patience, considering the political climate at the time, but he got it and we worked well together! It works! My word was to stay the course. I did. I have. I continue to do so.
The past six years now, I have served on our BOE and have continued to do what’s right for our kids, putting education priorities before political party interests. It has to be that way! And our entire board works the same. Not to say we don’t have our differences of opinion but, up until 2 years ago, I cannot recall there ever being anything but unanimous votes on education issues among our membership. Both GOP and Dems working together above the political fray for our kids. Here once again, it works. When you put Ansonia first, this big boat begins to move from stagnant waters.
So, here we are today looking for a representative to send to Hartford on our behalf. Personally, I’m looking for the same set of values and qualities in my candidate as the ones I hold dear. I remember seeing Kara Rochelle at our BOE meetings as far back as January. I didn’t know her or who she was but I recognized Kara as someone who asked questions and who, I thought, showed concern and support for our district. I was right! Over the last few months, I’ve gotten to know Kara and what her beliefs are about education. I see a sincerity and passion to do what needs to be done for the right reasons. Once again, putting Ansonia first. She stood with us, like the majority of our BOE, and questioned with dismay the removal of (our) $600,000 by the city, a decision her challenger, with no hesitation, voted in favor of. Kara Rochelle has been right there looking for solutions with us as we wade through the chaos this decision puts us in. I honestly believe in her commitment and sincerity. The ironic part for me is, she’s a Democrat, go figure!
I gave my word to a good man 10 years ago that I would keep politics out of my way and keep Ansonia first. Today I give my endorsement to a good woman who I am convinced holds the same ideal for us. I wholeheartedly give my support to Kara Rochelle as our next State Representative.
The writer is a member of Ansonia’s Board of Education.
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