Ansonia Sewer Fee Hearing Tuesday

The Ansonia Water Pollution Control Authority will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. Tuesday (June 1) to receive input from citizens on the proposed $285 sewer use capital fee.

The fee will be charged per unit, and multi-family homes will be charged more, based on the number of units in the building. 

The hearing will take place in the Aldermanic Chambers at City Hall on Main Street.

Article continues after the document.

Ansonia WPCA Hearing

The proposal puts a larger burden on multiple-family homes — a concern of some residents the first time the bills were discussed a few years ago.

Under the proposal, single-family homes will pay a base cost of $285 a year.

For two-family homes, the cost increases to $570 a year. For three-family homes, it’s $855 a year.

Restaurants and bars will be charged about $570 to $700.

These fees are on top of the annual sewer-use fees that residents already pay to the WPCA.

The WPCA is scheduled to vote on the proposal at its regular meeting Wednesday night. 

Click here to read background on the sewer use capital fee.

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