Ansonia Tax Board Budget Review Begins Monday

Ansonia’s Board of Apportionment and Taxation will begin its review of the 2014 – 2015 budget Monday (March 3).

The city’s Aldermen voted unanimously Feb. 11 to send the $61,104,251 spending plan to the tax board, which must finalize a budget by mid-May.

The budget would carry a tax decrease of .73 mill if approved by the tax board.

That means that for a house assessed at $200,000, property taxes would go from $7,867 to $7,720 year over year, or a $147 decrease in taxes.

Click here to read more from a previous story.

BOAT will begin reviewing the budget March 3 with a workshop to review the budgets for the town clerk’s office, the city engineer, the tax office and the departments of economic development, recreation, and public works.

A full scheduled of BOATs planned workshops is below.

BOAT Revised Schedule

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