ANSONIA — Here are the results for Tuesday’s ballot questions on borrowing about $132.6 million. All questions passed, according to unofficial results from Ansonia City Hall late Tuesday.
UPDATE: The Valley Indy updated the totals on Wednesday morning using the data the Registrar’s office sent to the Connecticut Secretary of State.
YES: 2061
NO: 1219
1.“Shall the City issue not exceeding $105,525,000 of its bonds for education improvements including the acquisition of property for and construction of a new Ansonia Middle School and related capital/infrastructure, capital improvements for the Ansonia High School, and acquisition of furniture for city-wide schools, and for debt administration, pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen and BOAT, be approved?
YES: 2374
NO: 904
2. ”Shall the City issue not exceeding $10,762,000 of its bonds for public safety improvements, including city-wide crime surveillance cameras, expansion of the Ansonia Animal Shelter, improvements for the Polic Department Canine Unit, Police Department capital needs (vehicles, taser units, batons) acquisition of back-up power generators for City buildings, acquisition of three fire trucks the Ansonia Fire Department, the acquisition of two ambulances for ARMS, the creation of office space for use by Ansonia Fire Departments, and an Emergency Operations Center at 65 Main Street, and the acquisition of Fire, Police and ARMS radios and related communications infrastructure, and for debt administration, pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen and BOAT, be approved?”
YES: 1766
NO: 1573
3. ”Shall the City issue not exceeding $10,200,000 of its bonds for recreation improvements, including the construction of a turfed field at Nolan Athletic Complex for multi-sport use and facility improvements at Nolan Field, and improvements to city-wide fields, and for debt administration, pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen and BOAT, be approved?”
YES: 2509
NO: 824
4. ”Shall the City issue not exceeding $5,100,000 of its bonds for roads and infrastructure improvements including the city-wide paving of City roads, including traffic lights, curbing, sidewalks, sewer, and drainage systems and improvements thereto, speed detecting devices, and improvements to facilitate ADA compliance improvements, and for debt administration, pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen and BOAT, be approved?”
YES: 2188
NO: 1126
5.”Shall the City issue not exceeding $1,045,000 of its bonds for Public Works Department improvements and capital purchases, including the purchase of two dump trucks, a roadside brush machine, a bucket truck, and transfer station scale, and for debt administration, pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen and BOAT, be approved?”