Public Hearing For Ansonia’s Budget Proposal Is Monday

Ansonia tax board members have spent the last three months tweaking the budget proposal for 2012 – 2013.

Now, residents will have a chance to give input on the $58.6 million spending plan at a public hearing scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday at Ansonia City Hall.

The proposal comes with a tax rate of 27.65 mills. That means a home assessed at $230,000 would see a tax bill of $6,359.

A call seeking comment was left with Board of Apportionment and Taxation chairman Richard Sturges.

Article continues after copy of the current proposal.

Ansonia Budget Proposal

The Numbers

The current tax rate is 26.25 mills. The proposed increase in taxes is 1.4 mills, or about 5.3 percent.

An average tax bill — on a home assessed at $230,000 — would increase by $322 if the proposed budget is approved.

The total proposed budget is $58,672,738. The city expenses are actually lower than last year, to offset a big decrease in education grants.

In 2011 – 2012, the city received $6.6 million in education grants. Those grants will drop to only $4.4 million in 2012 – 2013.

Education Numbers

In the budget proposal, the schools are set to receive $27 million.

That’s a $622,786 increase over current education spending, but about $868,000 less than the schools had hoped for.

Parents have already started asking the city for the full request.

Several attended a February meeting of the Board of Aldermen, when the proposed budget was passed along to the tax board.

Click here to read more about that meeting.

Click here to read more about the Board of Education budget proposal.

Next Steps

Over the past three months, the Board of Apportionment and Taxation has made changes to the proposal. They include:

  • adding a new line item titled ​“Code Red” — an emergency notification system — and budgeting $10,000.
  • updating the grand list numbers. In 2011 – 2012, the grand list was $1.3 million billion. The projected grand list for 2012 – 2013 has increased, to $1.4 million billion.

After the public hearing May 14, the Board of Apportionment and Taxation is scheduled to meet on May 21 to continue talking about the budget, and make changes if necessary.

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