An image from the scene, as posted on Facebook by the Derby Fire Department.
DERBY — One firefighter injured his hand during an apartment fire at a multi-family house on Hawkins Street overnight Monday.
The injury was described as minor.
The incident was called-in as a kitchen fire at about 3 a.m. through a 911 call from the apartment at 42 Hawkins St.
The fire marshal’s office is investigating the cause and origin.
“When units arrived on scene there was heavy smoke coming from the second floor, left-side apartment,” Derby Fire Department Assistant Chief David Lenart said.
There are four apartments in the building, and all four apartments were occupied, Lenart said.
The residents were all adults. No children were present. The residents were all outside the house when firefighters arrived.
Lenart noted firefighters did not hear smoke alarms sounding in the apartments as they made entry to put out the flames.
“The unit that was on fire is now uninhabitable, as is the unit below it,” Lenart said.
The residents either made arrangements with the Red Cross or relied on friends for temporary shelter immediately after the fire, Lenart said.
Shelton firefighters were called to the scene as well.
Emergency crews were on the scene for about an hour.