Art Gerckens Is The New President Of The Derby Board Of Aldermen

Second Ward Alderman Art Gerckens was voted president of the Derby Board of Aldermen Jan. 22.

He succeeds the First Ward’s Barbara DeGennaro, who held the position for two years. Both Gerckens and DeGennaro are registered Democrats.

DeGennaro nominated Gerckens for the position. She indicated personal matters have been taking away from the time needed to be president of the board. She’ll still serve on the board.

I’ve served the last couple of years. Unfortunately my personal life has to take priority,” DeGennaro said. I think Art will do a great job communicating with the board and communicating with the people in the city that he needs to.”

She asked city department heads to communicate with Gerckens and to support him as board president.

We’re very good friends. I’m sure he will do a fantastic job,” DeGennaro said.

Alderman Ron Sill seconded the nomination. The vote to appoint Gerckens was unanimous.

There are seven Democrats on the Board of Aldermen and two Republicans.

Mayor Anita Dugatto thanked DeGennaro for her service. Jan. 22 was DeGennaro’s birthday, and the crowd sang happy birthday to DeGennaro and to Raymond Bud’ Allen, who was turning 90 and was on hand to accept a proclamation as 2015 Derby Citizen of the Year.

Gerckens, born and raised in Derby, is a graduate of Derby High School. He graduated Derby High in 1980 — the same year as fellow Derby graduates DeGennaro and First Ward Alderman Felicia Monaco.

He was elected to the board in 2011 and re-elected in 2013.

It feels good,” Gerckens said of his appointment, but I have to commend Barbara on the job she’s done. We were high school classmates. I’ve known her forever. I hope I can do half as good a job as Barbara did.”

Gerckens, 52, and his wife, Patsy, have twin daughters, Ashley and Brittany, and a really friendly dog named Angus. Gerckens is the manager of the mail and duplicating center at Sacred Heart University, where he has worked for 22 years.

He served as the financial secretary of the St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council 14611 and received the Donald R. LeClair Memorial Leadership Award. He was on the executive board and coached Derby Youth Soccer and was a girls’ basketball coach for Derby Recreation and St. Mary-St. Michael School.

Gerckens has been an active parent within the St. Mary-St. Michael School, part of a core group that saved the school from closing in 2010.

He has a bachelor of science degree in English from Sacred Heart.

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