Back To School Rally Sunday In Ansonia

Valley Save Our Youth will be holding its third annual Back to School Rally and basketball tournament on Sunday, Aug. 16, at Gatison Park and Fourth Street.

The Back to School Rally will take place from 2 to 5 p.m.

Valley youth in grades K‑12 will be provided with several fun activities, free food and drinks, and backpacks filled with school supplies.

Registration to receive a backpack will begin at noon. The rain date is Aug. 23.

The Basketball Tournament will start at 10 a.m. and run until 5 p.m. Children and adults will be able to participate in the tournament.

Registration is free! To sign up for the basketball tournament, players should contact Carlino Monteiro at 203 – 889-8949.

For any questions or to make donations for the rally, please contact Leonard Duffus at 203 – 278-3775.

Click here to visit a Facebook page for the event.

Click here to visit the Facebook page of Valley Save Our Youth, a volunteer group sponsored by TEAM, Inc.

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