Budget Hearing Wednesday At Seymour Middle School

A hearing for Seymour residents to give officials their thoughts on the budget proposed for 2013 – 2014 will be at Seymour Middle School at 7 p.m. Wednesday (April 10).

The Board of Finance last month voted to present a budget totaling $53,806,630 to residents.

If the spending plan, which is posted after this article, were approved by voters at referendum as is, the town’s mill rate would go from 32.83 to 33.91, a 3.3 percent increase.

That means a person who owns a house assessed at $230,000 would see their property taxes go from $7,550.90 to $7,799.30, an increase of $248.40.

The biggest sticking point on the finance board’s last night of deliberations was whether to include $377,000 for full-time school resource officers in each of the town’s schools.

The mill rate would drop to 33.59 if that money isn’t included in the budget, according to town officials.

Click here for more background on that discussion.

And click here for more background on the budget.

And click here for the budget section of the town’s website.

2013 – 14 Budget Hearing Packet

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