Cabrera Campaign To Hold Rally In Ansonia


State Senate candidate Jorge Cabrera’s campaign is scheduled to hold a rally near Ansonia City Hall on Main Street at 4 p.m. to ​“support transparency and the importance of voting,” according to an email from the campaign.

Cabrera, a Democrat from Hamden, challenged first-term GOP state Sen. George Logan, of Ansonia, for his 17th district seat last week.

Cabrera lost by 65 votes, but a recount is happening this week in the towns of the 17th district — Ansonia, Derby, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Hamden, Naugatuck, and Woodbridge.

The Ansonia results from Election Day were mired in confusion.

First, both campaigns thought Logan held a small lead last Tuesday after polls closed. Then, on Wednesday morning, the secretary of state’s website showed Cabrera had won.

Then, on Thursday, the Ansonia Registrar’s office submitted revised totals showing Cabrera’s vote had been miscalculated. The Republican Registrar was quoted in a newspaper indicating a faulty machine was the issue. The Democratic Registrar said the mistake was probably due to a transcription mistake when the votes were being given to the state.

The Logan campaign spotted the error and pointed it out to Ansonia officials. The Logan campaign manager said the mistake was a ​“keying error when the numbers were uploaded to the (Secretary of the State) system on Election Night.”

The state Democratic Party has threatened to haul Ansonia to court over the incident. Mayor David Cassetti supports a probe of the city’s Registrar’s office to determine precisely what happened.

Cabrera posted a video to his campaign’s Facebook page Sunday night saying the issue was larger than he or Sen. Logan. The integrity of the election is of utmost importance, he said.

“This is bigger than any political party. It’s about what kind of government we are going to have. It’s about the principals we believe in — one man, one vote,” Cabrera said.

The complete video is embedded below.

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