Calabrese Accentuates The Positive In Oxford

Oxford residents aren’t fragmented — they’re just passionate.

That was the theme of a press conference First Selectman candidate Joseph Calabrese hosted Thursday outside Oxford Town Hall, where Calabrese said a few malcontents who try to politicize everything do not represent the majority of residents.

Of wealthy or modest means, old and young, Republican and Democrat, we come together to support our town efforts, to volunteer our time, to help achieve our goals, and to appreciate the beauty that is Oxford,” Calabrese said. We may not always agree on the path, but we all have the same goal‐ a town that is moving forward and retaining its beauty and character at the same time.”

Calabrese is the Democratic party’s candidate to replace Mary Ann Drayton-Rogers, who is opting not to seek a third term.

Oxford has established itself as the meanest town in the Valley Indy’s coverage area in terms of political mudslinging. The Valley Indy changed its commenting system partly due to venom being spat from members of both political parties.

However, Calabrese has struck a positive note. After reading a prepared statement, a copy of which is posted below, Calabrese said he would not resort to personal attacks during the campaign.

I don’t see why different parties can’t agree to disagree and be civil,” Calabrese told reporters.

Calabrese’s opponent in November is Republican George Temple, an attorney.

I think it will be a campaign run between two gentlemen,” Temple said of Calabrese Sept. 13. And I think it will be a campaign that is going to be rich in issues, rich in what’s best for the Town of Oxford, and absolutely devoid of rancor or personal criticism.”

One of his listeners Thursday was Republican Selectman David Yish, who lost the Republican primary to Temple earlier this month.

Yish said he came to listen to what Calabrese had to say. He said he agreed with many of Calabrese’s statements.

Oxford is Together

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