Cassetti: Ansonia ‘Moving Forward Together’ With Referendum Votes

I want to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Ansonia for trusting in me and my team to set the City of Ansonia on the right path. 

This past Tuesday saw the passage of all referendum initiatives by an overwhelming margin.

Ansonia is now on the path to continued progress, including the construction of a new police station that will bring a pillar of safety and security into the heart of our downtown.

This is an exciting time in Ansonia. We are putting the interests of our taxpayers and residents above the fray of politics and partisan squabbling. We are moving forward together and getting the job done. I could not be more proud of what we are accomplishing together.

As discussed, the referendum initiatives represent a fiscally prudent way of making needed improvements and upgrades. The new debt will replace old debt being retired by 2020, and therefore have a neutral impact on taxes. My administration will also be keeping a careful eye on all projects, making sure that we are getting the most for your tax dollars.

Ansonia is being recharged with positive economic activity, and it is all thanks to you, the residents of this great City. I would also like to thank the Board of Aldermen and officials, including Chief Kevin Hale, for their bi-partisan support of this important effort.

We have seen much positive progress over the last three years, but I believe the best is yet to come. Truly there is no obstacle we cannot overcome as we stand united as a city and community.

Mayor David S. Cassetti

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