The Charters Hose Company No. 4, Ansonia Fire Department will hold its 81st Annual Mother’s Day Communion Breakfast on Sunday, May 10, 2015.
Members of the company and Ansonia Fire Department, family and friends are invited to attend 8:15 a.m. Mass and receive Communion in a body at the Church of the Assumption, 61 N. Cliff St.
The breakfast will take place in the Church Hall immediately following the Mass. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $5 for children.
This year’s guest speaker will be our very own Scott Trembley, Chief Engineer of the Ansonia Fire Department.
The Committee looks forward to seeing everyone on Mother’s Day.
Anyone interested in attending may contact James E. Sheehy at 203 – 734-2591 or James Fleming at 203 – 954-6883.