SEYMOUR — The following information was sent by Seymour Public Schools:
Every year, hundreds of thousands of children in the U.S. are reported “missing.” Every second counts when trying to locate a missing child. Having some simple information to hand to authorities when a child goes missing can be so important when identifying and locating a missing child.
Seymour Public Schools Security Officers and Seymour Police Department have partnered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to bring to our families two simple ways to document important information about their children.
Being prepared for this type of emergency with a “Child Identification Kit,” is a simple way to keep important information about a child all in one place. This information can also be stored on a mobile device with the new “FBI ID Child” mobile device application available now. (Go here for links to download the app for IOS or Android)
During the week of March 22 free “Child Identification Kits” will be handed out to Seymour students at all Seymour Schools to bring home to their parents. Additionally, daycares in Seymour will be contacted and will also receive these free child identification kits and “FBI ID Child” mobile device application information. Three thousand kits were created to distribute to the community.
Parents are encouraged to take a moment to review the materials in the kit and information on the “FBI ID Child” mobile device application in order to familiarize themselves with what information is needed about their child. Once completed the kit should be put in a safe place where it can be accessed in the event it is needed. It is also important to update the kit and “FBI Child ID” mobile device application information yearly with current photographs and current video clips of their child.
The kits provide parents/guardians the tools and instructions to take fingerprints, DNA samples, hair samples and the ability to record a range of essential information authorities may need to locate a missing child. The kits and “FBI Child ID” application can be used for all ages. This program is even important for parents to keep for students in college, senior citizens or family that may have health issues who may be apt to going missing.
The program was sponsored by the Valley Community Foundation, Seymour Lions Club and Every Ready Press of Ansonia.
If a parent or guardian did not receive a free kit and would like one, they are urged to contact Security Director Rich Kearns at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), School Resource Officer Corey Tomasella at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or School Resource Officer Pat Dempsey: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)