Chris Jones Outlines Campaign Points

I am running for Mayor because the City of Shelton is heading in the wrong direction. 

I just read last week that Shelton was ranked #11 in Connecticut Magazine in 2009, this year, we have dropped to 18th out of 26 towns that are the in same population category as Shelton. 

As stated in Mark Lauretti’s first mailing piece, he claims to have; Improved the bond rating, had no tax increase in 09 – 10 and a decrease in 2011. 

The fact is that Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s both gave Shelton a lower rating and a NEGATIVE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK.

You can see this for yourself by obtaining a copy of the bonding statement at City Hall. 

The reason for this NEGATIVE OUTLOOK is because we are indebted to the Workmans Comp Trust by the tune of $4.9 million. We also have $93 million in debt and once we accept the Perry Hill School and the renovations to the High School, that number will climb to $125 million of debt. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, he continuously is bonding for everyday items and deferring maintenance to make himself look good. That is why we haven’t had a tax increase in three years. He has even said, this is his last run for Mayor and then he’ll run for Governor.

My pledge to you as your mayor is to work with you and each city department to make Shelton a better place to live, raise our children and work. Only by acting as a team can we improve the quality of life for each person in our community and restore Shelton’s PRIDE.

To do this I will:

  • Use every tax dollar for the quality services you demand and bond only for long term capital projects.
  • Implement creative, tested educational models that will bring teachers, administrators, parents, and City officials together to raise students’ educational achievement.
  • Create and implement a long range plan to develop Rt. 110 (River Road) that will optimize city revenue, will bring in high-paying jobs and will not require additional city services.
  • Work to lower our city’s rising home burglary rate by adding more police officers to our under staffed Police Department.
  • Provide safety equipment such as an upgraded RADIO system for our Police and Fire Departments with out raising your taxes. Combined, the two departments were told to return $1.4 million this year alone.
  • Institute a program that will maintain city roads and facilities without raising your taxes or unneeded borrowing. The Highways and Bridges Department and city maintenance departments returned $1 million this year as well.
  • I will be proactive towards predicted SNOW storms, not reactive, as witnessed this week.
  • I will fix the unsatisfactory conditions of the Senior Citizen Center.
  • Immediately implement an air-tight Code of Ethics that will help discourage corruption.

I have studied the city’s finances and I know I can keep these promises without raising your taxes!

Vote for Change, Vote the JONES TEAM!

The writer is a Democrat running for mayor in Shelton.

Note: The Valley Indy will cease publishing guest columns by Sunday, Nov. 6. The final deadline for submissions is Saturday, Nov. 5 at 12 p.m.

Note: The Valley Indy welcomes ​‘guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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