More than 100 people congregated together in downtown Ansonia on Good Friday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.
Thirteen churches from Ansonia and Derby sponsored the Way of the Cross procession, which included people singing hymns together and taking turns carrying a wooden cross to each of the eight stations spread across Main Street.
“Whatever we can do together, we should,” said Rev. Amy D. Welin of Christ Episcopal Church, Ansonia. “It’s important for us to find ways to connect with one another.”
Catholics, Episcopalians, Congregationalists, Non-Denominational Christians, Russian Orthodox, Methodists and AME Zion church-goers all took part in the event.
Each year on Good Friday Christians throughout the world participate in the Stations of the Cross, or Way of the Cross, to memorialize when Jesus carried his cross from the Hall of Pilate, where he was condemned to death, to the site of his execution on Golgotha.
Last year was the first time the ecumenical Way of the Cross service took place in Ansonia. Nine churches were involved and about 100 people attended. This year’s event drew in more churches and more community members and included Spanish hymns.
“It was a really interesting and moving experience because people from many different kinds of churches who normally cannot pray together or celebrate the Eucharist together gathered together to celebrate their unity in the one Christ,” Welin said. “I think it was a good witness to the community.”
Rev. Dr. Marcia Eveland, who worked with Welin to launch the ecumenical service last year, said the community also came together in the fall for an interfaith Thanksgiving service and said she is excited to see an uptick in interfaith work in the area.
“I was really excited to see the 13 churches involved,” she said.
It was the first time Bonnie Jackson, a member of Clinton AME Zion Church, took part in a Good Friday procession and said she hopes the half-mile march would spark an interest in other community members.
“I’m hoping this causes us to celebrate togetherness,” she said. “Maybe next year we’ll see even more people.”
Tracy Simmons publishes, a site that focuses on religious news in Connecticut.