City Of Derby Seeks Purple Heart Recipients

The City of Derby and the Military Order of the Purple Heart are seeking Purple Heart recipients, Gold Star Families and relatives of any Derby resident who have received a Purple Heart from the United States Government. 

This includes current, past or posthumously. 

Mayor Richard Dziekan, and the City of Derby, wish to honor all the men and women that have given so much to our freedom and way of life by designating Derby as a Purple Heart City.” 

Please call Pam Gagliardi at the Office of the Mayor at 203 – 736-1450, ext. 221, or email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), and provide the name of the person to be honored and the contact information for that individual, their family member or friend and any pertinent information regarding the event and pictures if available. 

The Office of the Mayor will compile a book of all Purple Heart recipients from Derby and will submit to the Military Order of the Purple Heart a request to designate Derby a Purple Heart City.” 

The Military Order of the Purple Heart was established in 1932 in Derby by three WWI Purple Heart recipients. 

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