Mayor Richard Dziekan would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the businesses who donated to this year’s Independence Day Fireworks.
Because of overwhelming generosity, Wednesday night’s fireworks were fully funded through contributions by local businesses and corporate partners.
Every year, Derby shares the cost of the fireworks with Shelton, and this year each municipality was responsible for $13,600 plus our own fire watch.
The Mayor’s office sent out letters in April seeking donations and we are thrilled to announce that for the second year in a row there was no expense to the taxpayer.
All additional money raised above this year’s costs will be set aside for next year.
Below is a list of all the donors that helped make the firework display on July 3 such an amazing experience.
We are so grateful for your support.
A Quick Pick Crane
All American Waste
Aquarion Water Company
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Arum & Associates
Bad Sons Beer Co.
Barnum Engineered Systems
Barretta Enterprises
Beirne Wealth Consulting
Bradley Pond
Calvert Safe & Lock
Catholic War Veterans
City Carting & Recycling
Civitella & Associates
Cohen and Wolf
Decarlo & Doll
Dew Drop Inn
Dominick J. Thomas, Jr.
Espo’s Ace Realty
Frank Pepe Construction
Griffin Hospital
Hancock Pharmacy
John M. Rak
Retro Grub & Pub
Salerno Inc./Italian Pavilion
Sons of Italy
Sovita Chiropractic
Sunflower Dental
T.H.C. The Hops Company
Tipsy Tomato
Tracy’s Garage Inc.
United Cigar
USI Insurance
Vincent Guardiano
Weston & Sampson
NOTE: Video courtesy of Valley Aerial Optics.