CT Bus Diaries: Misery Does Not Like Company

Photo: Krystina MorganHaving flat-screen TVs would make the CT Transit bus ride a lot more fun, according to frequent rider Wilfredo Garcia.

I would just like something to do,” said Garcia. The bus ride home wouldn’t be so boring if there was something to watch.”

Garcia, 42, takes the bus every week day to get to and from work.

Sometimes his job will call him in on Saturday, and he catches the bus then too.

Even though he has been doing this for as long as he can remember, he said, the bus never gets any easier to ride.

You know, I really just wanna come on to a nice, quiet bus and go home. But sometimes you have stupid people coming on here drunk and it’s just like, Come on, really?’” Garcia said.

Garcia takes the bus from Seymour to Ansonia, where he lives. He works at RAF, a company that makes computer components which hold a computer together, on Silvermine Road in Seymour.

As soon as he gets out of work, he walks 17 minutes to the bus stop at Spruce Street and New Haven Road. From there, he takes a 12 minute ride on the F bus into Ansonia on Main Street.

Unfortunately, this was no regular Friday, according to Garcia.

He had to stay later at work, which made him miss his regular 6:40 p.m. bus pickup. He had to wait to take the next ride, which came at 7:42 p.m.

The last thing I wanted to do was to stay late at work on a Friday, but it pays the bills, so I do what I have to do,” said Garcia.

The only thing that could possibly make his night better is if there were flat screen TVs in the bus so he could distract himself from the people around him, said Garcia.

I love my sports,” said Garcia, so if I could catch up on the games, that would make the ride home so much better.”

The CT Bus Diaries project is a collaboration between the New Haven Independent, the Valley Independent Sentinel and students from the multimedia journalism class at Southern Connecticut State University. The students are blogging about experiences on CT Transit’s bus lines in order to give a glimpse into the commutes of the people using the bus system.

Share your CT Transit experiences with us by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) photos or videos to Jodie Mozdzer Gil or tagging #CTBusDiaries on Twitter posts.

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