DAR Participates In The Massing Of The Colors

SRH-MS Chapter members. From left-to-right: Cheryl Basztura, Christy Hendrie, Jeaneen Buchanan, Deb Heim.

The Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, NSDAR participated in the 57th Massing of the Colors on October 12, 2024 at the Collinsville Congregational Church in Collinsville, CT. Regent Buchanan represented our Chapter and Chaplain Cheryl Basztura carried our Chapter Flag.

Twenty-five lineage societies participated in the presentation. Also, members of the SRH-MS Chapter, NSDAR represented two other lineage societies: Honorary State Regent & Honorary Chapter Regent Christy Hendrie attended on behalf of the Children of the American Revolution and Chapter Vice Regent Deb Heim attended on behalf of the Daughters of the American Colonists. Christy Hendrie also represented CTDAR

Music was provided by both a Scottish bagpiper and the church’s Flentrop organ. There was also an interesting talk entitled The Modern Controversy Surrounding John Mason” given by Kenneth Talbot Dixon, a professional journalist who reports for Hearst Connecticut Media. Following the ceremony, refreshments were served. 

The Massing of the Colors is a patriotic ceremony to rededicate our faith in the colors of the United States and to present our support to those Colors and of the servicemen and women those Colors represent. It combines the colors and color guards of active and reserve component military units, veterans’ organizations, civic, and patriotic organizations.

SRH-MS Chapter Regent Buchanan said it was truly an honor for her to represent the Sarah Riggs Humphreys-Mary Silliman Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Regent Buchanan reminds us that we will be commemorating the United States’ 250th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 2026.

The DAR is a non-profit women’s service organization dedicated to historic preservation, education and patriotism. Any woman over 18 who can prove lineal descent to an ancestor who served in the American Revolution is a prospective member. For more information on the DAR visit http://www.sarahriggshumphreysDAR.org

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution asks everyone to celebrate the 250th Birthday of the United States of America and the Patriots that achieved American Independence. For more information visit https://honoringourpatriots.dar.org/

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