Derby-Shelton Rotary Club Pavilion Project Moves Forward

CONTRIBUTEDThe Derby-Shelton Rotary hopes to have its new pavilion on the Shelton Riverwalk completed by September. 

The group is still raising money for the structure, which will be owned by the city once it’s completed. 

If everything goes as planned, a the first event to be held at the site will be a new Oktoberfest hosted by the Derby-Shelton Rotary Club, according to Rotary Club member David Grant said. 

The total project is estimated to cost about $350,000. The city of Shelton is contributing some money, Grant said, although the exact amount hasn’t been named.

The Derby-Shelton Rotary Club has raised $170,000 toward the construction already, and continues to raise more money for its completion. 

The project recently received another $10,000 from the D’Addario Family Community Fund of the Valley Community Foundation. 

The club is selling pillars on the building for $10,000 a piece, which will feature a plaque with the donor’s name, Grant said.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOThe pavilion will be named after former Shelton lawmaker Richard Belden, who served as a Republican in the state House of Representatives from 1974 to his death in 2007. 

The pavilion will serve as a community gathering place, rotary members have said. 

It will be a destination where we can meet, relax, learn and have fun together, providing diverse opportunities for new experiences and friendships,” the club’s description on its website reads.

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