Derby Aldermen/Alderwomen To Meet Online Tonight

DERBY — The Derby Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen is scheduled to virtually meet at 5:30 p.m. (today, March 19) using Zoom video conferencing software.

The public will be able to join the meeting.

The Zoom URL is:

The meeting ID is:
Meeting ID: 881 777 809

You can also dial-in by your location: 1 929 205 6099

Here are two quick YouTube videos from Zoom about how to join a meeting. The post continues after the videos.

This YouTube video is from a third party. It explains how to join a Zoom meeting from your smart phone.

On Wednesday, the Derby Water Pollution Control Authority became the first Derby government entity to meet publicly online. The Derby school board is also scheduled to meeting this evening (6:30 p.m.) via Zoom.

The city has been using online meetings as a way to keep the city running while adhering to social distancing guidelines from the state and CDC. The U.S. is trying to slow down the transmission of the COVID-19 virus so the nation’s health care system does not collapse.

The agenda, which is embedded below, is a stream-lined meeting containing routine government business. The agenda can also be downloaded directly from the city server.

In addition to checking the Derby City website, meeting notifications are also being posted on Derby Town/City Clerk Marc Garofalo’s Facebook page.

Derby BOA March 19 2020 by The Valley Indy on Scribd

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