Derby Chief Releases Officer’s Separation Agreement

Derby Police Commissioners Thomas Lenart, Andrew Mancini, Sam Pollastro, and David Zabel, a lawyer working for the commission.

The Derby Police Chief released an agreement Tuesday that shows the city paying a former police officer about $4,500 while releasing the city from any possible lawsuits.

Former Derby Police Officer Jordan Gochros was arrested in August 2017 for allegedly hitting a woman several times during a domestic dispute last year in New Haven.

He was charged with third-degree assault, second-degree breach of peace, and third-degree criminal mischief. Those charges are misdemeanors.

Officer Jordan Gochros had been the department’s canine officer.

His case is still pending in New Haven court, where it was referred to a family violence program.

Gochros is scheduled to appear in court again in May.

The Derby Police Department immediately started an internal affairs investigation into the incident, but have not released it to the public because Gochros doesn’t want it released.

That is a common misinterpretation of the state’s Freedom of Information Act, according to CT FOI experts and judges.

Separately, the Derby Board of Aldermen Thursday voted to approve an agreement with Gochros. Chief Gerald Narowski said Friday it could not be released to the public until the Derby Board of Police Commissioners signed it.

The Valley Indy maintains that is also a misinterpretation of open government rules, because the public has a right to know what the Aldermen approved.

The Aldermen put no such restrictions on the agreement when they voted to approve it, nor did they say it was a draft document.

The police commission met Monday and approved what the Aldermen had approved Thursday.

The document shows:

  • Gochros is being paid $4,508.40.
  • His time as a Derby cop ended Jan. 29.
  • He voluntary resigned.
  • He won’t sue the department for any reason.
  • He won’t re-apply for a job as a cop in Derby.

The Derby Police Commission agreed to stop a disciplinary hearing involving Gochros that started Jan. 29.

The agreement makes no mention of the domestic violence charges. It also does not explain why Gochros is getting money.

But in an email Tuesday, the chief said Gochros was due 15 days of paid time off.

The agreement is embedded below:

Gochros Agreement by The Valley Indy on Scribd

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