Derby Commission Approves Two Subdivisions, New Business

The Nov. 20 meeting of the Derby Planning and Zoning Commission was quite busy as far as meetings of planning and zoning commissions go.

Here’s a rundown of what happened.

Water Storage Tank

Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission heard an informal presentation from a gaggle of men in suits from the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority.

The water company is seriously thinking about building a 2 million gallon water storage tank at the end of Mountain Road on Derby’s west side. 

The property sits atop a cliff above the Derby Public Works Department, which is on Coon Hollow Road.

Regional Water has an option to purchase the land if they manage to receive approvals for the project from Derby.

Water company officials told the commission the large tank is needed to bolster the water supply in west Derby. Griffin Hospital was mentioned specifically. When a water main breaks in west Derby, the hospital, businesses, and residents often lose water pressure.

The tank would prevent that from happening, water company officials said.

A formal application has yet to be filed in Derby City Hall. That could come in January. A public hearing could be scheduled at a later date. 

Mr. Junker Approved

The commission unanimously approved a site plan approval for Mr. Junker” at 253 Roosevelt Drive. That’s a large old factory referred to locally as the Mainolfi property. 

Pasquale Civitella purchased the 1.8 acre property earlier this year and has been quick to make improvements. The property had been a crumbling, blighted mess before Civitella purchased it.

Mr. Junker” hauls away bulk items for a charge. Some of the items can be reclaimed and sold — hence, a Derby Mr. Junker’ outlet.

Civitella will have a store that will sell used items he’s collected, such as anything from lawn mowers to dryers to small boats. Some of those items will be stored on the Park Avenue side of the property, which sits across from residential homes. Civitella plans to screen the items from Park Avenue’s view with trees and shrubs.

In addition, Civitella said any items stored outside will only stay outside for a short period of time.

Click here to read about the Mr. Junker’ outlet in Milford.

Civitella’s plans are the latest rebirth along the Roosevelt Drive/Park Avenue corridor. A Quick Pick crane company purchased a property near the D Street intersection, across from the Shell gas station.

Quick Pick is in trouble with the city’s zoning enforcement officer for allegedly using an employee parking lot on Park Avenue as a tractor-trailer staging ground. The city’s ZBA barely upheld a cease and desist order, since the parking lot is squarely within a residential zone.

Quick Pick has filed court documents appealing the ZBA decision in Superior Court in Milford, saying the ZBA considered testimony after the public hearing on the matter was closed.

(Note — the Valley Indy editor lives behind the parking lot in question and spoke publicly against the use).

Also Approved

The Derby commissioners unanimously approved Singer Village,” an 8‑lot residential subdivision at 401 David Humphreys Road. The homes will use a common driveway in order to reduce curb cuts along Sodom Lane and David Humphreys. Trees were taken down to improve vehicle sight lines into and out of the subdivision.

Commissioners also approved a four-lot residential subdivision at 16 John St. The applicant had requested a five-lot subdivision. 

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